In addition to sites that sell various goods or resources that offer a lot of content, there are also portals that offer various services, whether it is the installation of plastic windows or legal services. Promotion of the site on the Internet for such projects is of great importance. That said, it’s important to note that having the right PIAR is mandatory.
What is the right PIR for such pages? It all starts with SEO – writing competent and selling texts. They should not reflect a lot, but only the most basic and that can attract the buyer from the first lines: it should be a clear description of the services, terms of performance, low prices, discounts and warranty. It is this kind of text will be most productive. After writing the next step is effective advertising. When creating such sites, special attention should be paid to the resources on which it will be broadcast. For example, advertising of legal services can be placed on the broadcast on thematic forums, and may be shown on the portals of marriage services, etc. д. That is, it is important to provide the widest range of thematic sites in which displays will be appropriate.
Search engine optimization of sites in this category – not an easy task, so it is very important to monitor all components, including content on the site, constantly analyze the audience of potential customers, the reasons why people are seeking such services, and much more. Of great importance in this case also has how to look like a banner or contextual advertising, how the slogan will sound. For example, the slogan should reflect the company’s intention to help the client, and the inscription should intrigue and encourage people to think that this site is the solution to their problems. Further, it can be noted that the banner should necessarily contain the company logo – without it the effectiveness of advertising is reduced by almost half. To date, almost no firm does not use an advertising company, which would not have been presented a logo. Also, when using banner displays you need to keep in mind such things as the image, the general background and much more. So, for serious firms should be serious videos (if we are talking about promotional video or clips in the flash version) – that is, not to reflect the colorfulness, and the essence of services and benefits. Such a company will be most effective.