The question is whether palm oil is needed in children’s mixtures, today is a rather urgent issue for many mothers.
Palm eating oil is a final product that is obtained from the fruits of the palm of oil. Palm oil is produced by two types – technical and food. Manufacturers add the second type to many foods, for example, mayonnaise, margarine confectionery products. Very often this oil is added to baby food.
As for the technical oil, it is added to cosmetic products.
Eating palm oil is rich in tocopherols and karatinoids. All these substances have powerful antioxidant properties. Therefore, this food product is often used to prevent aging and combat free radicals. In addition, vitamin E has a beneficial effect on sexual function and increased muscle mass, and vitamin A helps to improve vision. In addition, palm oil contains plastokhinon and Kilikhinon, which are analogues of Coenzyme Q10. But in addition to these beneficial substances, “controversial” components are also contained in this product- mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which with prolonged use of oil can lead to the development of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and many other quite serious diseases.
Now let’s talk about what palm oil is added to children’s mixtures.
After the studies, scientists came to the opinion that palm oil practically does not bring benefits to children who use milk mixtures. Palmitic acid, which is contained in oil, is mixed with calcium in the intestines, as a result of which insoluble compounds occur. These compounds are quickly removed from the body of the child, which begins to experience a strong deficiency of calcium, vital for full development and growth.
Scientists have proved that milk mixtures that contain palm oil cause colic, belching, provokes bloating, and also worsens the mineralization of the bones of the growing organism.
Speaking about the benefits or dangers of palm oil for the child’s body, one cannot fail to mention that they refused to use this product for a long time in many countries. And on the product that includes this oil, there must be the corresponding information.
Many mistakenly believe that palm oil, like coconut oil, is very cheap, so it is added to children’s milk mixtures. It’s not like that at all. The cost of this product is quite high and sometimes exceeds the cost of olive oil of the highest quality.
When creating any dairy mixture for baby food, scientists try to bring the composition of this product as close as possible to breast milk. In this case, the main components of milk mixtures are minerals, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats.
As for fats, the fat composition of cow’s milk is very different from the composition of the milk of the breast. For most children, cow’s milk can be a source of an allergic reaction. Therefore, various vegetable oils are often added to milk mixtures, including palm. The breast contains palmitic acid, which was found in palm oil. However, palmitic acid from a plant product is absorbed quite poorly and causes colic, bloating and other problems.
In addition, in children who use milk mixtures with palm oil, the stools were less regular and more solid than those babies who consumed mixtures without the content of this disputed component in them.
We hope that you were helped by information about whether it is necessary to use palm oil in children’s mixtures. And what kind of food do you give to your children? Share in the comments.