How to quickly get rid of cellulite

Cellulite is considered a sick theme for many women. He prevents the fully live and have an attractive figure. In the summer I would like to put on tight shorts, which are slightly shining through, however, seeing, an ugly orange crust on the hips immediately a desire to dress something free arises. Any woman wants to look constantly, to be sexy and desirable for her man. In pursuit of a beautiful body, women go to the most extreme measures: they torment themselves with various dangerous diets, acquire expensive drugs and creams to prevent the appearance of cellulite. However, in order to get the desired body, even and elastic skin, you need to work a little on yourself. Consider the most effective methods in the fight against cellulite.

An important aspect is proper nutrition. You must adhere to a special menu. It is necessary to exclude fried, fat, flour and sweet products from the diet. The best food is considered to be the best or baked in an oven. Also, the amount of salt must be reduced many times. It is better to use a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink about two liters of water per day.

Wrapping from cellulite. Fats dissolve only at high temperatures, so wraps and provide the effect of a bath and sauna. Using this method, fat, melts and capturing, excess fluid passes through the pores. In this case, the skin is pulled up and becomes elastic. For such wraps, mustard, red pepper, clay and honey are used. Before doing wraps, it is recommended to cleanse the skin, and then apply the cream from cellulite.

Massage accelerates the fight against cellulite. For this, a special course of five to ten sessions is used. If there is no way to undergo professional massage, then it can be performed at home. It must be done after 1-2 days with interruptions for wrapping. Another method of combating cellulite practiced in St. Petersburg is press therapy (massage with compressed air).

Physical exercises. In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to move more. It needs to be very well lushed. For this, they are used: running, quick dances, jumping jumps, aerobics, swimming. You need to choose what you like. The main movement is considered as often as possible. If you sit more at work than you move, then you need to knead sedentary places every hour. The result will be good if you actively move for at least 15 minutes during the day.

To get rid of cellulite, it is necessary to get rid of accumulated slags. To do this, use herbs. They contribute to cleansing the body, improve metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body. Using herbal teas along with other procedures, you can achieve an excellent result. Such fees most often consist of birch leaves, cherry stalks, grape bones extract. Drink them, you need to observe the instructions for about two weeks.

Auxiliary means. Such means are cream and certain clothes – pants and shorts. It is better to apply cream against cellulite every day after taking a shower, intensively rubbing into the skin.

After passing all six points, you can achieve a real result in two weeks. Women with the initial stage of cellulite will be completely cured. And those women who are cellulite in a neglected form, you can at least get closer to the long -awaited result.

The main thing is the support of the result. Therefore, you must always remember about healthy diet and an active lifestyle. Support your body in good shape!

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