
Block-house – cladding material designed for finishing exterior and interior walls of buildings built from different types of materials. It is a flat and smooth to the touch surface. Any building finished with such material will look like a chopped wooden edifice from a log.

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Block-house is made from dried logs, sharpened to create the right shape and sectioned. One billet is used to produce a timber and four planks. To give the board surface a shape imitating a solid log, billet is processed by milling, sanding, and coated with antiseptic and fire retardant.

Production of block-house

The block house is made from deeply dried wood. Due to the low humidity of the products, it creates protection against twisting and cracking. Decorative finishing buildings with such material is undesirable, if it is not a permanent residence. At periodic warming up and cooling down of a building, under the lining there will be moisture that promotes destruction of walls.

Lumber produced by different companies may have different types. This is due to differences in specifications and technology. Basically there is a block house of a class A and class B. You can meet and transitional forms of cladding A / B and BC.

Type A

In grade A, it is allowed to have strong and healthy knots, up to 5 pieces along the entire length of the board, small cracks up to 30 cm and other minor defects. Grade B may have larger imperfections, not exceeding acceptable standards. The width of the boards block-hausa can be up to 90 mm for decoration inside the premises and up to 230 mm for exterior walls.

Internal walls are usually clad with narrow block house. Assembling laths is carried out in the same way as for ordinary paneling. On the walls nailed vertical beams of boards or thin beam at intervals of 50 cm, then mount the first strip of block-house. It is more convenient to begin a covering of a wall from top to bottom, as fastening it is possible to use self-tapping screws.

Finishing of exterior walls

Exterior walls of the building is finished with a wide planks block-hausa. Buildings built of timber, brick or aerated concrete, sheathing immediately, on the previously installed crate. Houses built on a frame technology, under the block house will need to lay insulation.

Despite the work already carried out to protect the surface of the laths block-hausa antiseptics and preparations against ultraviolet radiation, the wood can lose its natural color. To save it will help processing of varnish or oil on a wax base. First of all, block house painting begins with the ends and the locking system.

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