One of the important women’s accessories that complement a fashionable style and image are bags. These items can perform utilitarian functions, but more often they become evidence of the owner’s status, her capabilities. For this, it is suggested to purchase a Luxury Handbag from the most famous fashion houses.
Bags that belong to the luxury class are expensive, they are produced by the most famous world brands, whose name is the personification of elitism. Therefore, when producing fashion accessories, they do not consider the cost of materials, labor resources and production time. The main feature is the highest quality, attention to the smallest details.
Only leather is used for bags of this type, often from exotic animals. At the same time, it is processed in such a way as to be visually beautiful, to give a pleasant tactile sensation. Other materials for lining the fittings are selected based on similar principles.
Only extra-class professionals are involved in sewing bags, of which there are several dozen in the world. The design is carefully thought out, the bags have a beautiful, elegant look, are durable in use. Each copy receives its own number and original documents confirming the authenticity of the items.
There are many options for luxury and branded bags, among which it is worth highlighting:
- Classic, having a square or rectangular shape with clasps at the top. An example is the Kelly 25 Epsom Black bag.
- Totes are rectangular bags with fairly long handles and zippers at the top. They are designed to be carried on the shoulder or in the hands.
- Shoppers are similar in design to totes, but are much larger in size and may not have clasps at the top. They are designed for shopping and placing a large number of items.
- Clutches are one of the smallest bags, you can put keys, a mobile phone in them. They are carried in the hands or on the shoulder.
- Hobo is a soft bag of a rounded shape, where the handles are located at the ends.
- Satchel or backpack bag has a rigid structure and is designed to be carried on the shoulder.
Other types include bags in the form of sacks, buckets, boxes, baskets, and backpacks. They are suitable for certain clothing collections produced by brands of the same name. In general, the choice of bags is quite wide and depends on the woman’s clothing style, her lifestyle, and her individual preferences.